
RDF "Spongers" are a powerful middleware architecture, developed by OpenLink Software (the makers of Virtuoso), for creating RDF rich meta-data on demand.

The key idea is that the middleware consults public APIs or other data sources for collating relevant RDF meta-data for a given URI.

Unfortunately, the development of such sponger components is still difficult for many programmers. On this page, I propose a simple skeleton for coding the core transformation in Python.

This still requires a wrapper so that the code can be used in a Virtuoso environment, but that should be doable.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me at mheppATcomputerDOTorg.


  1. !/usr/bin/env python
  2. encoding: utf-8


Example of how the principle of OpenLink "Sponger" technology can be implemented in Python

Created by Martin Hepp on 2010-03-22.

This software is free software under the LPGL.


import re from rdflib import *

def rdf4uri(uri="", base_uri=""):

   This method returns available RDF meta-data for the Web page identified by `` as a string containing RDF/XML.
   Input Parameters:
     uri : URI of the page
     base_uri : Base URI to be used for the RDF model
   Output Parameter
    a string containing RDF/XML
   # Step 1: Fetch entity identifier from URI
   # Amazon Example:
   # We use a simple regex to extract the ID from the URI (needs to be adapted per each sponger)
   p = re.compile(r".*/dp/(\w*)/.*")
   m = p.match(uri)
   identifier =

   # Step 2: Fetch meta-data for that data entity, e.g. via AMAZON API
   # contact API --> omitted in this example
   # In this example, we simply return static data
   # Step 3: Compile RDF Graph
   NS = Namespace(base_uri)
   GR = Namespace('') 
   RDFS = Namespace("")
   RDF = Namespace("")
   g = ConjunctiveGraph()
   # static dummy data, to be replaced by real content from API

   # Step 4: Return Graph as RDF/XML
   return g.serialize()

if name == 'main':

   rdf_xml = rdf4uri(uri='')
   print rdf_xml

In the current form, it will return a static pattern for each valid Amazon product URI:
