
Adding Images to Offers and Products

Very often, we want to attach images to offers (instances of gr:Offering) or products or services, which can be instances of

The standard way of doing so is using the foaf:depiction and foaf:thumbnail properties. The advantage is that many Semantic Web and LOD tools can automatically display such images.

Note that Yahoo SearchMonkey recommends the media:image property for attaching images, which is a proprietary Yahoo element.
(Definition from 1: An image of something. Use this property to relate a document to an Image object embedded in it or in general to relate an object to an image representation of that object.). Also, rdfs:seeAlso can be used.

If you want to be on the safe side, use all three.

Example in RDFa:



             ``Hepp Computertechnik Personal SCSI Controller``
             ``Fast 16-Bit SCSI Controller for PCs``


Note 1:

Note 2:

Example 1 in RDF/XML (just foaf:depiction and foaf:thumbnail):

  ``The Semantic Web: Real-World Applications from Industry (Semantic Web and Beyond)``
  ``The Semantic Web: Real-World Applications from Industry (Semantic Web and Beyond)``


Example 2 in RDF/XML (including media:image):

  ``The Semantic Web: Real-World Applications from Industry (Semantic Web and Beyond)``
  ``The Semantic Web: Real-World Applications from Industry (Semantic Web and Beyond)``
