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What is the GoodRelations Annotator?

The GoodRelations is an easy-to-use online tool that helps any business in the world to create a machine-readable description of its

  • contact details,
  • store locations and opening hours,
  • range of products and services, and
  • payment and delivery options.

The description is translated into a few lines of extra mark-up for your Web page using the GoodRelations vocabulary and the W3C RDFa standard.


If you simply paste the additional lines of computer-readable code into your Web page,

  • latest generation Web search engines will display more details about your business directly in the list of results and
  • novel business matchmaking services will drive more customers to your site or store.

For a full explanation, watch this Webcast (15 minutes).


The process is simple and straightforward:

  1. On the first page, you enter all of your details.
  2. Then, click on the button to generate a snippet of extra Web page markup for you.
  3. Highlight and copy these extra lines of markup and paste it into your main Web page.
  4. Save and publish that page.

That's it!

Within less than ten minutes, you will be all set for the next generation of search for business opportunities.




In the following, you will see how rich meta-data will improve your Web page.


alt Example how Yahoo is using GoodRelations


572x144px|alt Example how Google could use GoodRelations

Note: Yahoo is already using GoodRelations rich meta-data as of now. Google is using RDFa and we are in discussions about how GoodRelations could be used in Google. The Google example is a sketch of how this will look like.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the additional mark-up increase download times for my page?

No, it won't.
The additional markup for a fully-fledged description with all options from the annotator will create only about 6 KB extra markup, which is very little compared to the file size of image buttons and Javascript modules. Also, the additional markup can be compressed extremely well. The 6 KB shrink to just about 1.3 KB of extra data when compressed over the wire, because it can be handled by popular compression algorithms very efficiently.
On an average 384KB DSL connection, this takes just 20 ms.That is a fraction of an eye blink (usually between 300 and 400 ms).

Extra transmission time for 1.3 KB rich meta-data
Connection\ Time\
1.544Mb T1 6 ms
384Kb Avg. DSL 20 ms
ISDN (64 Kb) 140 ms

So you can be sure: GoodRelations rich markup will make your business more visible for specific target audiences without slowing the downloading of the page.
