Zeit/Wochentag,Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So 08:00 - 09:00,,,,,,, 09:00 - 10:00,,,,,,, 10:00 - 11:00,,,,,,, 11:00 - 12:00,,,,,,, 12:00 - 13:00,,,,,,, 13:00 - 14:00,,,,,,, 14:00 - 15:00,,,,,,, 15:00 - 16:00,,,,,,, 16:00 - 17:00,,,,,,, 17:00 - 18:00,,,,,,, 18:00 - 19:00,,,,,,, 19:00 - 20:00,,,,,,,
Einmalige Termine:
Einmalige Termine:
Einmalige Termine:
Einmalige Termine:
Einmalige Termine:
Zeit/Wochentag,Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So 08:00 - 09:00,,,Hepp,Hepp,,, 09:00 - 10:00,,,Hepp,Hepp,,, 10:00 - 11:00,,,Hepp,Hepp,,, 11:00 - 12:00,,,,Thaler,,, 12:00 - 13:00,,,,Thaler,,, 13:00 - 14:00,Thaler,,,Thaler,,, 14:00 - 15:00,Thaler,,,,,, 15:00 - 16:00,Thaler,Hepp,,,,, 16:00 - 17:00,Thaler,Hepp,,,,, 17:00 - 18:00,,,,,,, 18:00 - 19:00,,,,,,, 19:00 - 20:00,,,,,,,
Einmalige Termine:
* 13.09.2017, 09:00 - 11:00 Klausureinsicht Management öffentlicher Aufgaben (Thaler)
Zeit/Wochentag,Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So 08:00 - 09:00,,,,,,, 09:00 - 10:00,,,,,,, 10:00 - 11:00,,,,,,, 11:00 - 12:00,,,,,,, 12:00 - 13:00,,,,,,, 13:00 - 14:00,,,,,,, 14:00 - 15:00,,,,,,, 15:00 - 16:00,,,,,,, 16:00 - 17:00,,,,,,, 17:00 - 18:00,,,,,,, 18:00 - 19:00,,,,,,, 19:00 - 20:00,,,,,,,
Einmalige Termine:
* 10.4.2017, 12:00 - 14:00 Projektstudium Hepp
Zeit/Wochentag,Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So 08:00 - 09:00,,,,Projektstudium E-Business (Hepp),,, 09:00 - 10:00,,,,Projektstudium E-Business (Hepp),,, 10:00 - 11:00,,,,Projektstudium E-Business (Hepp),,, 11:00 - 12:00,,,,Projektstudium Public Management (Thaler),,, 12:00 - 13:00,,,,Projektstudium Public Management (Thaler),,, 13:00 - 14:00,,,,Projektstudium Public Management (Thaler),,, 14:00 - 15:00,,,,,,, 15:00 - 16:00,E-Business Seminar (Hepp),,,,,, 16:00 - 17:00,E-Business Seminar (Hepp),,,,,, 17:00 - 18:00,,,,,,, 18:00 - 19:00,,,,,,, 19:00 - 20:00,,,,,,,
Einmalige Termine:
* 4.4.2017, 8:00 - 10:00 Einführung in das wissenschaftl. Arbeiten (Hepp)
Zeit/Wochentag,Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So 08:00 - 09:00,,,,Projektstudium E-Business (Hepp),,, 09:00 - 10:00,,,WWW (Hepp),Projektstudium E-Business (Hepp),,, 10:00 - 11:00,,,WWW (Hepp),Projektstudium E-Business (Hepp),,, 11:00 - 12:00,,,WWW (Hepp),Projektstudium Public Management (Thaler),,, 12:00 - 13:00,,,,Projektstudium Public Management (Thaler),,, 13:00 - 14:00,Masterseminar (Thaler),,,Projektstudium Public Management (Thaler),,, 14:00 - 15:00,Masterseminar (Thaler),,,,,, 15:00 - 16:00,Masterseminar (Thaler),Masterseminar (Hepp),,,,, 16:00 - 17:00,,Masterseminar (Hepp),,,,, 17:00 - 18:00,,,,,,, 18:00 - 19:00,,,,,,, 19:00 - 20:00,,,,,,,
Einmalige Termine:
* 17.10.2016 (Montag), ab ca. 10.30 Uhr (Prof. Thaler)
Zeit/Wochentag,Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So 08:00 - 09:00,,,,,,, 09:00 - 10:00,,,,,,, 10:00 - 11:00,,,,,,, 11:00 - 12:00,,,,,,, 12:00 - 13:00,,,,,,, 13:00 - 14:00,,Bachelorseminar (Thaler) 13:30-15:00,,,,, 14:00 - 15:00,,Bachelorseminar (Thaler) 13:30-15:00,,,,, 15:00 - 16:00,,E-Business Seminar (Hepp),,,,, 16:00 - 17:00,,E-Business Seminar (Hepp),,,,, 17:00 - 18:00,,,,,,, 18:00 - 19:00,,,,,,, 19:00 - 20:00,,,,,,,
Einmalige Termine:
* 05.04.2016 (Dienstag), 14:00 - 15:30: MA/BA Kick-off Meeting (Prof. Hepp)
Zeit/Wochentag,Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So 08:00 - 09:00,,,,Projektstudium E-Business (Hepp),,, 09:00 - 10:00,,,,Projektstudium E-Business (Hepp),,, 10:00 - 11:00,,,,Projektstudium E-Business (Hepp),,, 11:00 - 12:00,,,,Projektstudium Public Management (Thaler),,, 12:00 - 13:00,,,,Projektstudium Public Management (Thaler),,, 13:00 - 14:00,,,,Projektstudium Public Management (Thaler),,, 14:00 - 15:00,,,,,,, 15:00 - 16:00,,PhD Seminar (Hepp),,Masterarbeitskolloquium (Thaler),,, 16:00 - 17:00,,PhD Seminar (Hepp),,Masterarbeitskolloquium (Thaler),,, 17:00 - 18:00,,,,,,, 18:00 - 19:00,,,,,,, 19:00 - 20:00,,,,,,,
Einmalige Termine:
* Momentan keine.
Zeit/Wochentag,Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So 08:00 - 09:00,,,,Projektstudium E-Business (Hepp),,, 09:00 - 10:00,,,,Projektstudium E-Business (Hepp),,, 10:00 - 11:00,,,,Projektstudium E-Business (Hepp),,, 11:00 - 12:00,,,,Projektstudium Public Management (Thaler),,, 12:00 - 13:00,,,,Projektstudium Public Management (Thaler),,, 13:00 - 14:00,,E-Business Seminar (Hepp),,Projektstudium Public Management (Thaler),,, 14:00 - 15:00,,E-Business Seminar (Hepp),,,,, 15:00 - 16:00,,,,Seminar Public Management (Thaler),,, 16:00 - 17:00,,,,Seminar Public Management (Thaler),,, 17:00 - 18:00,,,,Seminar Public Management (Thaler),,, 18:00 - 19:00,,,,,,, 19:00 - 20:00,,,,,,,
Einmalige Termine:
* Momentan keine.
Zeit/Wochentag,Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So 08:00 - 09:00,,,,,,, 09:00 - 10:00,,,,,,, 10:00 - 11:00,,,,,,, 11:00 - 12:00,,,,,,, 12:00 - 13:00,,,,,,, 13:00 - 14:00,,,,,,, 14:00 - 15:00,,,,,,, 15:00 - 16:00,,E-Business Seminar (Hepp),,,,, 16:00 - 17:00,,E-Business Seminar (Hepp),,,,, 17:00 - 18:00,,,,,,, 18:00 - 19:00,,,,,,, 19:00 - 20:00,,,,,,,
Einmalige Termine:
24.06.2013 (Donnerstag), 12:00 - 12:30: Studienprojekt Abschlusspräsentation (Prof. Hepp)
04.04.2013 (Donnerstag), 8:00 - 10:30: Klausur IMW (Prof. Hepp)
23.04.2013 (Dienstag), 9:00 - 18:00: Berufungskommission (Prof. Hepp)
29.04.2013, 15:30 - 18:00: Vorlesung und Übung DPM (Prof. Hepp)
13.5.2013, 15:00 - 19.45: Vorlesung und Übung DPM (Prof. Hepp)
14.05.2013 (Dienstag), 14:00 - 15:30 Projektstudium (Prof. Hansohm)
03.06.2013, 15:00 - 19.45: Vorlesung und Übung DPM (Prof. Hepp)
10.06.2013, 15:00 - 19.45: Vorlesung und Übung DPM (Prof. Hepp)
11.06.2013, 13:00 - 19.45: Vorlesung und Übung DPM (Prof. Hepp)
17.06.2013, 15:30 - 18:00: Vorlesung und Übung DPM (Prof. Hepp)
24.06.2013, 15:00 - 17:30: Vorlesung und Übung DPM (Prof. Hepp)
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | |||||||
09:00 - 10 :00 | Stud ienpr ojekt | ||||||
10:00 - 11 :00 | Stud ienpr ojekt | ||||||
11:00 - 12 :00 | Stud ienpr ojekt | ||||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | Stud ienpr ojekt | ||||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | |||||||
14:00 - 15 :00 | |||||||
15:00 - 16 :00 | E-Bus iness Se minar | ||||||
16:00 - 17 :00 | E-Bus iness Se minar | ||||||
17:00 - 18 :00 | |||||||
18:00 - 19 :00 | |||||||
19:00 - 20 :00 |
Einmalige Termine:
10.01.2013 (Donnerstag), 12:00 - 13:00 Einführungsveranstaltung Projektstudium (Prof. Hansohm)
04.02.2013 (Montag), 9:00 - 21:00 Berufungskommission (Prof. Hepp)
06.02.2013 (Mittwoch), 9:00 - 21:00 Berufungskommission (Prof. Hepp)
06.03.2013 (Mittwoch), 09:30 - 12:45 SWE Lecture (One-time Special Session, Prof. Hepp) (*)
12.03.2013 (Dienstag), 11:30 - 12:45 SWE Tutorial (One-time Special Session, Dr. Rodriguez) (*)
SWE: Semantic Web-basierter E-Commerce
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | SWE Le cture ( Prof. [ Hepp] (/wik i/Use r:Mar tinHe pp “w ikili nk”)) | SWE Tut orial (Dr. Rod rigue z) | |||||
09:00 - 10 :00 | SWE Le cture ( Prof. [ Hepp] (/wik i/Use r:Mar tinHe pp “w ikili nk”)) | SWE Tut orial (Dr. Rod rigue z) | Stud iumpr ojekt | ||||
10:00 - 11 :00 | |||||||
11:00 - 12 :00 | Stud iumpr ojekt | ||||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | Stud iumpr ojekt | ||||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | |||||||
14:00 - 15 :00 | |||||||
15:00 - 16 :00 | E-Bus iness Se minar | ||||||
16:00 - 17 :00 | E-Bus iness Se minar | ||||||
17:00 - 18 :00 | |||||||
18:00 - 19 :00 | |||||||
19:00 - 20 :00 |
Einmalige Termine:
17.10.2012,15:00 -16:00 Smartboard Versuche (Radinger)
05.12.2012,10:00 -12:00 Übung Projektmanagement (Hr. Salcher)
12.12.2012,08:00 -18:30 Abschlussmeeting Projekt Intelligent Match (Prof. Hepp)
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | |||||||
09:00 - 10 :00 | |||||||
10:00 - 11 :00 | |||||||
11:00 - 12 :00 | |||||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | |||||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | |||||||
14:00 - 15 :00 | |||||||
15:00 - 16 :00 | |||||||
16:00 - 17 :00 | |||||||
17:00 - 18 :00 | |||||||
18:00 - 19 :00 | |||||||
19:00 - 20 :00 |
Einmalige Termine:
10.04.2012 bis 13.04.2012, ganztägig - Hr. Salcher (in Absprache mit Prof. Hepp)
09.05.2012, 8:00 - 19:00 (Prof. Hepp)
23.05.2012,09:00 - 18:00 - Visit of students from University of Economics, Prague (Prof. Hepp)
24.05.2012, 08:00 - 12:00 - Visit of students from University of Economics, Prague (Prof. Hepp)
28.6.2012,10:00 -11:00 Klausur DPM (Prof. Hepp)
3.7.2012,08:30 -10:30 Klausur QML (Prof. Hansohm)
9.7.2012,16:30 - 20:00: Prof. Hepp (Promotionskolloquium)
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
09:00 - 10 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
10:00 - 11 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
11:00 - 12 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | Se minar Prof. [ Hepp] (/wik i/Use r:Mar tinHe pp “w ikili nk”) |
14:00 - 15 :00 | Se minar Prof. [Hepp](/wi ki/Us er:Ma rtinH epp " wikil ink") | ||||||
15:00 - 16 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. [Hepp](/wi ki/Us er:Ma rtinH epp " wikil ink") |
16:00 - 17 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. [Hepp](/wi ki/Us er:Ma rtinH epp " wikil ink") |
17:00 - 18 :00 | |||||||
18:00 - 19 :00 | |||||||
19:00 - 20 :00 |
Einmalige Termine:
10.04.2012 bis 13.04.2012, ganztägig - Hr. Salcher (in Absprache mit Prof. Hepp)
9.5.2012, 8:00 - 19:00: Prof. Hepp
23.05.2012,09:00 - 18:00 - Visit of students from University of Economics, Prague (Prof. Hepp)
24.05.2012, 08:00 - 12:00 - Visit of students from University of Economics, Prague (Prof. Hepp)
28.6.2012,10:00 -11:00 Klausur DPM (Prof. Hepp)
3.7.2012,08:30 -10:30 Klausur QML (Prof. Hansohm)
9.7.2012,16:30 - 20:00: Prof. Hepp (Promotionskolloquium)
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
09:00 - 10 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
10:00 - 11 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
11:00 - 12 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | Se minar Prof. Hepp |
14:00 - 15 :00 | Se minar Prof. Hepp | ||||||
15:00 - 16 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
16:00 - 17 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
17:00 - 18 :00 | |||||||
18:00 - 19 :00 | |||||||
19:00 - 20 :00 |
Einmalige Termine:
17.01.2012, 10:00 - 11:00 - Exam SWE
17.01.2012, 17:00 - 18:30 - Kick-off Meeting Studienprojekt (Prof. Hepp)
24.01.2012, 08:45 - 09:30 IOM Vorlesung, 11:30 - 12:15 - IOM Tutorium
15.02.2012, 10:00 - 16.00 Developer Meeting iMatch
22.02.2012, 09:00 - 12:00 IOM Vorlesungsblock Teil 1, 13:00 - 14:30 - IOM Vorlesungsblock Teil 2
14.02.2012, 15:00 - 16:30 WWW Vorlesung
28.02.2012, 13:15 - 16:30 IOM Vorlesung
13.03.2012, 16:45 - 18:15 WWW Vorlesung
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 08 :30 | IOM Tut orium Prof. Hepp |
08:30 - 09 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp |
09:00 - 09 :30 | |||||||
09:30 - 1 0:00 |
10:00 - 11 :00 | |||||||
11:00 - 11 :30 | |||||||
11:30 - 12 :00 | |||||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | |||||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | Sem inar E-Bus iness Prof .Hepp | ||||||
14:00 - 15 :00 | Se minar E-Bus iness Prof. Hepp |
15:00 - 16 :30 | R esear ch-Se minar Prof. Hepp |
IOM Vorl esung Prof. Hepp | |||||
16:30 - 17 :00 | |||||||
17:00 - 18 :00 | |||||||
18:00 - 19 :00 | |||||||
19:00 - 20 :00 |
Einmalige Termine:
05.10.2011, 08:30 - 12:00 - Projekt BW (Prof. Hepp)
11.10.2011, 13:00 - 14:30 Arzneimittel.de Meeting
18.11.2011, 9:30-10:30 Wiederholungsklausur Web Tech
28.11.2011, 15:00 - 16:00 - GWI Tutorial (Prof. Hepp)
06.12.2011, 11:30 - 13:00 - Semantic Web lecture (Prof. Hepp)
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | Mat hetut orium (Hans ohm) |
Mat hetut orium (Hans ohm) |
09:00 - 9 :30 | |||||||
09:30 - 1 0:00 |
Mat hetut orium (Han sohm) | ||||||
10:00 - 11 :00 | |||||||
11:00 - 11 :30 | |||||||
11:30 - 12 :00 | |||||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | |||||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | |||||||
14:00 - 15 :00 | |||||||
15:00 - 16 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
16:00 - 17 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
17:00 - 18 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
18:00 - 19 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
19:00 - 20 :00 |
Einmalige Termine:
12.4.2011, 08:00 - 09:45 - Studienprojekt (Prof. Hepp)
13.4.2011, 13:00 - 17:00 - Studienprojekt (Prof. Hepp)
19.4.2011, 08:00 - 12:00 - Studienprojekt (Prof. Hepp)
10.5.2011, 10:00 - 13:00 - Master-Projekt (Prof. Hepp)
17.5.2011, 09:00 - 12:00 - Team (Prof. Hepp)
17.5.2011, 13:00 - 18:00 - Team (Prof. Hepp)
18.5.2011, 09:00 - 18:00 - Team (Prof. Hepp)
19.5.2011, 13:00 - 15:00 - Master-Projekt (Prof. Hepp)
25.5.2011, 09:00 - 13:00 - Group Research Seminar (Prof. Hepp)
16.6.2011, 14:00 - 16:00 - Master-Projekt (Prof. Hepp)
27.6.2011, 13:00 - 14:30 - Masterarbeiten: Finale Präsentationen (Prof. Hepp)
27.6.2011, 15:00 - 18:00 - DPM Final (Prof. Hepp)
7.7.2011, 16:00 - 17:00 - Abschlusspräsentation Projektstudium (Prof. Hansohm)
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
09:00 - 10 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
10:00 - 11 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
11:00 - 12 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | Se minar Prof. Hepp |
14:00 - 15 :00 | Se minar Prof. Hepp | ||||||
15:00 - 16 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
16:00 - 17 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
17:00 - 18 :00 | |||||||
18:00 - 19 :00 | |||||||
19:00 - 20 :00 |
Einmalige Termine:
11.1.2011, 13:00 - 15:00 - Kick-Off Meeting Hauptseminar (Prof. Hepp)
18.1.2011, 10:00 - 11:30 - Kick-Off Meeting Studienprojekt (Prof. Hepp)
25.1.2011, 10:00 - 12:00 - Talk Birgit Wenke (Prof. Hepp)
3.2.2011, 15:00 - 16:30 - Meeting (Prof. Kaiser)
11.2.2011 10.00 - 11.00 Besprechung Business Pläne (Prof. Hansohm)
24.2.2011, 16.00 - Kick-Off Meeting OPDM
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp |
09:00 - 9 :30 | |||||||
09:30 - 1 0:00 |
10:00 - 11 :00 | |||||||
11:00 - 11 :30 | |||||||
11:30 - 12 :00 | |||||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | |||||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | Sem inar E-Bus iness Prof .Hepp | ||||||
14:00 - 15 :00 | Se minar E-Bus iness Prof. Hepp |
15:00 - 16 :30 | R esear ch-Se minar Prof. Hepp |
16:30 - 17 :00 | |||||||
17:00 - 18 :00 | |||||||
18:00 - 19 :00 | |||||||
19:00 - 20 :00 |
Einmalige Termine:
06.10.10, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr, Invited Talk:Vojtech Svatek, Prof. Hepp
18.10.10, 09:15 - 10:45 Uhr,Vorlesung Semantic Web (Nachholtermin), Prof. Hepp
18.10.10, 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr,Bachelor Seminar, Prof. Hepp
19.10.10, 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr,Kick-off meeting "IntelligentMatch" mit Projekt-Partner, Prof. Hepp
20.10.10, 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr,Kick-off meeting "IntelligentMatch" mit Projekt-Partner, Prof. Hepp
3.11.10, 09:45 - 11:30 Uhr,Gruppenarbeit
5.11.10, 09:45 - 11:30 Uhr,Gruppenarbeit
13.12.10, 15:00 - 16:00 Uhr,Besprechung Masterseminar (Prof. Hansohm)
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | |||||||
09:00 - 9 :30 | |||||||
09:30 - 1 0:00 |
10:00 - 11 :00 | |||||||
11:00 - 11 :30 | |||||||
11:30 - 12 :00 | Üb ungen Sem antic Web (11 :30-1 2:15) Prof. Hepp | ||||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | |||||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | |||||||
14:00 - 15 :00 | |||||||
15:00 - 16 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
16:00 - 17 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
17:00 - 18 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
18:00 - 19 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
19:00 - 20 :00 |
13.4.2010, 15:00 - 18:00Studienprojekt (Prof. Hepp)
14.4.2010, 15:00 - 20:00Studienprojekt (Prof. Hepp)
17.5.2010, 17:00 - 18:00: Integrationsstudium (Prof. Hepp)
21.6.2010, 15:30 - 16:00: Infoveranstaltung Mathetutoren (Prof. Hansohm)
28.6.2010, 10:00 - 16:30: DPM Vorlesung und Übung (Prof. Hepp)
5.7.2010, 11:00 - 13:00: Talk for students of University Arizona (Prof. Hepp)
5.7.2010, 14:30 - 16:00: Abschlusspräsentation Studienprojekt (Prof. Hepp)
20.7.2010, 13:00 - 15:30: Abschlusspräsentationen der Seminararbeiten (Prof. Hepp)
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
09:00 - 10 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
10:00 - 11 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
11:00 - 12 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | |||||||
14:00 - 15 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
15:00 - 16 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
16:00 - 17 :00 | |||||||
17:00 - 18 :00 | |||||||
18:00 - 19 :00 | |||||||
19:00 - 20 :00 |
Einmalige Termine:
11.01.10, 11:30 - 14:00 Uhr, Klausur SWE,Prof. Hepp
13.01.10, 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr, 2010 Roadmap Meeting, Prof. Hepp
20.01.10, 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr, Studienprojekt - Meeting with BW Officials, Prof. Hepp
03.03.10, 10:00 - 17:00 Uhr, Studienprojekt - Meeting with BW Officials, Prof. Hepp
16.03.10, 16:00 - 19:00 Uhr, Institutsmeeting IMW,Prof Hepp / Prof. Hansohm
18.03.10, 13:00 - 16:30 Uhr, Mündliche DHP-Prüfung,Prof. Hansohm
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp |
09:00 - 10 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
10:00 - 11 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
11:00 - 12 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof .Hepp | ||||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | Hiwis Prof. Hepp |
Hiwis Prof. Hepp | |||||
14:00 - 15 :00 | Hiwis Prof. Hepp | Hiwis Prof. Hepp | |||||
15:00 - 16 :00 | Hiwis Prof. Hepp | Hiwis Prof. Hepp | |||||
16:00 - 17 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
17:00 - 18 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
18:00 - 19 :00 | |||||||
19:00 - 20 :00 |
Einmalige Termine:
06.10.09, 13:00 - 15:00 Uhr, Einführung zur Bachelorarbeit, Prof. Hepp
24.11.09, 13:45 - 14:30 Uhr, Bachelorarbeit, Prof. Hepp
04.12. - 06.12.09, Integrationsstudium, Daniel Bingel
08.12.09, 8:00-14:00 Uhr Integrationsstudium, Daniel Bingel
08.12.09, 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr, Integrationsstudium, Prof. Hansohm
16.12.2009, 11:00 - 13:00, Institutstreffen, Prof. Hansohm & Prof. Hepp
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | Ma thema tik Tut orium ( Prof. Han sohm) |
09:00 - 9 :30 | M athem atik Tuto rium ( Prof. Han sohm) |
09:30 - 1 0:00 |
( Since 9:45) Sem antic Web -basi erter E -comm erce Prof. Hepp |
M athem atik Tuto rium ( Prof. Han sohm) |
10:00 - 11 :00 | Sem antic Web -basi erter E -comm erce Prof. Hepp |
M athem atik Tuto rium ( Prof. Han sohm) |
11:00 - 11 :30 | Sem antic Web -basi erter E -comm erce Prof. Hepp ( Until 11 :15) |
M athem atik Tuto rium ( Prof. Han sohm) |
11:30 - 12 :00 | Sem antic Web -basi erter E -comm erce Prof. Hepp (Tuto rial, 11 :20-1 2:05) |
12:00 - 13 :00 | |||||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | |||||||
14:00 - 15 :00 | |||||||
15:00 - 16 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
16:00 - 17 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
17:00 - 18 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
18:00 - 19 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
19:00 - 20 :00 |
Einmalige Termine:
03.08.09 10:00-11:00 Uhr, Studienprojekt Meeting, Prof. Hepp 03.08.09 12:00-12:45 Uhr,, Prof. Hepp
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | ||||||
09:00 - 10 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | ||||||
10:00 - 11 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | |||||
11:00 - 12 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | |||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | |||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | |||||
14:00 - 15 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | ||||||
15:00 - 16 :00 | |||||||
16:00 - 17 :00 | |||||||
17:00 - 18 :00 | |||||||
18:00 - 19 :00 | Se minar Prof. Hepp |
19:00 - 20 :00 | Se minar Prof. Hepp |
Einmalige Termine:
Mittwoch, 28.01.09 von 14:00 bis 15:30: Projektstudium, Prof. Hepp
Mittwoch, 04.02.09 von 14:00 bis 15:30: Projektstudium, Prof. Hepp
Dienstag, 10.02.09 von 10:00 bis 12:00: Klausur SWE, Prof. Hepp
Mittwoch, 04.03.09 von 16:00 bis 18:30: Kolloquium, Vorsitzender Prof. Hepp
Dienstag, 10.03.09 von 10:30 bis 12:00: Projektstudium, Prof. Hepp
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | ||||||
09:00 - 10 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | ||||||
10:00 - 11 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | |||||
11:00 - 12 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | |||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | |||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | For schun gssem inar Prof. Hepp |
Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | |||||
14:00 - 15 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | ||||||
15:00 - 16 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | ||||||
16:00 - 17 :00 | |||||||
17:00 - 18 :00 | |||||||
18:00 - 19 :00 | |||||||
19:00 - 20 :00 |
Einmalige Termine:
Z eit/W ochen tag | Mon tag | Diens tag | Mittw och | Do nners tag |
08:00 - 09 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp |
09:00 - 10 :00 | SWE Hepp |
Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | |||||
10:00 - 11 :00 | SWE Hepp | Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | |||||
11:00 - 12 :00 | SWE Hepp |
Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | |||||
12:00 - 13 :00 | SWE Ü Rad inger /Wech selbe rger |
Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | |||||
13:00 - 14 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | ||||||
14:00 - 15 :00 | Proj ektst udium Prof. Hepp | ||||||
15:00 - 16 :00 | Mathe matik Han sohm | ||||||
16:00 - 17 :00 | Mathe matik Han sohm | ||||||
17:00 - 18 :00 | Mathe matik Han sohm | ||||||
18:00 - 19 :00 | Se minar Hepp |
19:00 - 20 :00 | Se minar Hepp |