GoodRelations is a standardized vocabulary for product, price, and company data that can (1) be embedded into existing static and dynamic Web pages and that (2) can be processed by other computers. This increases the visibility of your products and services in the latest generation of search engines, recommender systems, and other novel applications.
☮ elf Pavlik ☮
perpetual-tripper at
Wed Dec 18 13:36:19 CET 2013
Hello, Looking at Makes me wonder how do I express a generic demand for which other peers can offer different products/services to satisfy it, and meet clearly stated conditions of meeting this demand. For a practical example, I *seek* some way to travel Berlin -> Paris I can accept: * rideshare * busfare * trainfare I do NOT accept: * airfare Another one, we *seek* someone to provide food for an event and would like to specify that we accept only offers for *vegan* and *fair trade* food. It can also come very handy while looking for restaurants friendly for: * gluten free * fair trade * raw food etc. I think in direction of what I understand people in VRM[1] community refer to as *intent casting*. Shortly explained by Doc Searls in this 3min video: Thank you for suggestions! [1] - Vendor Relationship Management