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GoodRelations - The Web Vocabulary for E-Commerce

This is the archive of the goodrelations dicussion list

GoodRelations is a standardized vocabulary for product, price, and company data that can (1) be embedded into existing static and dynamic Web pages and that (2) can be processed by other computers. This increases the visibility of your products and services in the latest generation of search engines, recommender systems, and other novel applications.

[goodrelations] R: Products deliverd by Service

Ed - 0x1b, Inc. semantics at 0x1b.com
Sat Dec 1 23:46:48 CET 2012

Generalized, one might use the economic compliment/substitute
perspective and say  ProductOrService(A) - complimentBy -
ProductOrService(B) to link a service with it's delivery, without
constraining the relationship to "delivery" - although i don't know if
this terminology is widespread enough for GoodRelations, I should
probably look to see if it isn't already there... there may be some
FOB nodes in there already.

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 12:45 AM, Giuseppe D'Aniello
<daniello at crmpa.unisa.it> wrote:
> Thank you, Bene!
> You're right, we want to distinguish products and services.
> I think that your solution is suitable for our needs, we'll try it!
> Thank you again.
> Best regards,
> Giuseppe D'Aniello.
> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: Bene Rodriguez [mailto:beroca at gmail.com]
> Inviato: 04 October 2012 16:06
> A: Giuseppe D'Aniello
> Cc: goodrelations at ebusiness-unibw.org
> Oggetto: Re: [goodrelations] Products deliverd by Service
> Dear Giuseppe,
> Sorry for the very late response.
> Going over your email description, I am afraid I can get a clear idea
> of your modeling scenario.
> Please, could you provide some specific examples of what you would
> like to represent as a "product" and as a "service" in your context?
> >From your description, it seems that you might need to distinguish
> between a "product" and a "service".
> If this assumption is correct, one way in which you could do that
> using GoodRelations, could be subtyping the class gr:ProductOrService
> into the two classes "product" and "service" in your own project
> namespace.
> A minimal example in turtle, could be as follows:
> @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
> @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
> @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
> @prefix gr: <http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#> .
> @prefix irp: <http://italian-research-project.org/yourproject#> .
> irp: a owl:Ontology;
>     owl:imports <http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1> .
> irp:Product a owl:Class;
>     rdfs:subClassOf gr:ProductOrService .
> irp:Service a owl:Class;
>     rdfs:subClassOf gr:ProductOrService .
> Then, if you want to indicate which product (or instance of
> irp:Product) delivers which service (or instance of irp:Service), you
> could introduce the new "deliveredBy" property that you mention. A new
> property, because as you also mention, the existing properties in
> GoodRelations that relate a gr:ProductOrService to another
> gr:ProductOrService do not seem to be fit for your purpose.
> You can still use gr:ProductOrService as the domain and range of
> "deliveredBy", however, if you want more granularity to capture the
> direction of the "deliverdBy" relation, now you could use irp:Service
> as the domain and irp:Product as the range to convey that a particular
> service is delivered by a particular product. Or in turtle:
> irp:deliveredBy a owl:ObjectProperty;
>     rdfs:domain irp:Service;
>     rdfs:range irp:Product .
> (And you could even add an inverse property "delivers" to capture the
> relation the other way around, etc.)
> I hope this helps.
> Would this approach suit your modeling needs?
> Best regards,
> Bene Rodriguez
> --
> Research Associate
> E-Business and Web Science Research Group
> Department of General Management and E-Business
> Universitaet der Bundeswehr Munich (Germany)
> phone: +49 89 6004-2849
> email: benedicto.rodriguez at ebusiness-unibw.org
> web: http://purl.org/beroca
> On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 12:21 PM, Giuseppe D'Aniello
> <daniello at crmpa.unisa.it> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm working on an Italian Research Project which is about a platform for
>> semantic services delivery and e-money systems.
>> We have to describe different services that could deliver some products to
>> users (e.g. different e-commerce services that offers some products) and
> we
>> have to represent the property between each service and the offered
>> products.
>> Every service and every product is an instance of ProductOrService; we
>> wouldn't use the property gr:isConsumableFor, gr:isSimilarTo and
>> gr:isAccessoryOrSparePartOf to represent this property, because the
> meaning
>> of these properties is different from our needs.
>> So, we aim to create another property, called deliveredBy that has for
> range
>> and domain gr:ProductOrService; but we would ask you some suggestions
> about
>> our problem and if you think that our solution is correct.
>> Another idea could be to create a property between gr:Offering and
>> gr:ProductOrService; in this way, we could link the service with the offer
>> of some product.
>> What do you think about it?
>> Best regards.
>> Giuseppe.
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