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GoodRelations - The Web Vocabulary for E-Commerce

This is the archive of the goodrelations dicussion list

GoodRelations is a standardized vocabulary for product, price, and company data that can (1) be embedded into existing static and dynamic Web pages and that (2) can be processed by other computers. This increases the visibility of your products and services in the latest generation of search engines, recommender systems, and other novel applications.

[goodrelations] [Fwd: Re: [searchmonkey-developers] Re: Important Problem with the Yahoo Crawler?]

Martin Hepp (UniBW) hepp at ebusiness-unibw.org
Sun Sep 27 22:23:34 CEST 2009

Dear all:

FYI - see attachments. We are currently in contact with Yahoo trying to 
find out if it is just a matter of time until our showcase page at


will appear in the Yahoo results with price and product picture - or 
whether there are additional technical problems to be mastered.

In general, it will likely help if you

a) register your sites in the Yahoo Site Explorer at


b) authenticate your page by the respective procedure requested by Yahoo 
(either uploading a special file or inserting special markup provided by 

Best wishes

Martin Hepp

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [searchmonkey-developers] Re: Important Problem with the 
Yahoo Crawler?
Date: 	Sun, 27 Sep 2009 22:18:47 +0200
From: 	Martin Hepp (UniBW) <martin.hepp at ebusiness-unibw.org>
Reply-To: 	martin.hepp at ebusiness-unibw.org
Organization: 	http://www.heppnetz.de
To: 	searchmonkey-developers at yahoogroups.com
CC: 	Evan Goer <goer at yahoo-inc.com>
References: 	<4ABCD829.901 at ebusiness-unibw.org> 
<99F48D57-5ED8-48D6-9898-E90A205B9FCC at yahoo-inc.com>

Dear Evan:

Evan Goer wrote:
> Hello Martin,
> The correct way to validate SearchMonkey markup is by using the 
> validator. The raw data presented by the [Cached] link is not, and has 
> never been, guaranteed to represent the actual RDFa data stored in the 
> system.
Okay, thanks - good to know.
> As for that specific product example link, it is validating in the 
> SearchMonkey validator and the cache is now in sync:
> - 
> http://developer.search.yahoo.com/help/objectfinder?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.heppnetz.de%2Fsearchmonkey%2Fproduct.html 
> - 
> http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=url%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.heppnetz.de%2Fsearchmonkey%2Fproduct.html 
When I invoke the Yahoo validator, I still get the the message

1. Cached Data Does Not Match

The data stored in the Yahoo! Search Index doesn't match the data just 
retrieved from the live version. This is normal if you just changed your 
page — simply wait for us to recrawl and reindex your page."

So are you sure that " the cache is now in sync"?

If so, why are the price and product image not shown in the 
www.yahoo.com search results?

I can see only the review meta-data, but not the price etc.

By the way - if that helps: I noticed that the sub-site had not been 
properly authenticated in the Yahoo Site Explorer, but that is now fixed.

Do pages have to be properly authenticated via the standard Yahoo 
techniques for their meta-data to be displayed in the search results?

Best wishes


> Best,
> Evan Goer
> Yahoo! SearchMonkey Team
martin hepp
e-business & web science research group
universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen

e-mail:  mhepp at computer.org
phone:   +49-(0)89-6004-4217
fax:     +49-(0)89-6004-4620
www:     http://www.unibw.de/ebusiness/ (group)
         http://www.heppnetz.de/ (personal)
skype:   mfhepp 
twitter: mfhepp

Check out GoodRelations for E-Commerce on the Web of Linked Data!


Recipe for Yahoo SearchMonkey:

Talk at the Semantic Technology Conference 2009: 
"Semantic Web-based E-Commerce: The GoodRelations Ontology"

Talk at 

Overview article on Semantic Universe:

Project page:

Resources for developers:

Tutorial materials:
CEC'09 2009 Tutorial: The Web of Data for E-Commerce: A Hands-on Introduction to the GoodRelations Ontology, RDFa, and Yahoo! SearchMonkey 

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