GoodRelations is a standardized vocabulary for product, price, and company data that can (1) be embedded into existing static and dynamic Web pages and that (2) can be processed by other computers. This increases the visibility of your products and services in the latest generation of search engines, recommender systems, and other novel applications.
Roberto García
roberto at
Fri Dec 11 17:16:56 CET 2009
Hi Giovanni, Martin, all, In relation with the "Full Content" view in the Inspector > wrt inspector and visualization please note that a complete "human > readably" rdf representation is also available e.g. here > > It is generated using the Rhizomik RDF2HTML tool ( which is based on a XSLT transformation. In order to get a more usable visual presentation as HTML it works better if the input RDF/XML is serialised using the abbreviated form. For instance, the following URL shows the RDF/XML abbreviated generated by RDFa Distiller from :!&text=&mode=html&namespaces=true The same behaviour would be available in the inspector if it sends RDF/XML abbreviated to the RDF2HTML servlet. Best, Roberto García